Blog Archives

How Can You Broaden Your Horizons?

So first let me start off by saying that the whole post by Tuesday agreement I had was a little presumptuous of me. Turns out my life is a little bit more hectic than I thought so it looks like I’ll be having you guys tune in when you can. You’ll see me post the updated blog on my Facebook, on the SHARPP Facebook page and on the SHARPP Website so keep tuning in.

This week I felt we could talk around the idea behind this blog again for those tuning in. I know last week’s post was very opinionated but I want people to really understand where I am coming from and the importance of these issues affecting women. With the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) gaining more attention through Facebook and the media as it is going through the legal system I feel it is a good time to reflect on how any of us can get more involved and gain more knowledge on women and the issues they face.

One way we can all do that is by attending THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES this upcoming weekend March 1st and 2nd. What is some of you who haven’t seen the flyers or postings might ask? The Vagina Monologues is made up of a varying number of monologues read by a varying number of women written by Eve Ensler. Each of the monologues deals with an aspect of the feminine experience, touching on matters such as sex, love, rape, menstruation, female genital mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the various common names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the body. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.

For those of you who have seen the performance before or not, it is a great way to broaden your horizons on the problems and hardships women experience through monologues that intermingle real interview answers, comedy and global women’s issues. It is truly a wonderful experience and I hope to see you all there!

Another way you could learn more about women’s issues is by looking into the VAWA that is trying to be passed federally at the moment. I know there are posts all over Facebook and articles on many news sites regarding the act. A brief explanation that I found through the library of congress is as follows:

The VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2013 amends Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) to add or expand definitions of several terms used in such Act.

Modifies or expands grant conditions under such Act, including requirements relating to: (1) nondisclosure of personally identifying information or other client information, (2) information sharing between grantees and subgrantees, (3) civil rights and nondiscrimination, (4) audits, and (5) nonprofit organizations. The act requires the Office on Violence Against Women of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to establish a biennial conferral process with state and tribal coalitions, technical assistance providers, and other key stakeholders on the administration of grants and related matters. And it requires the Attorney General to authorize in writing expenditures for DOJ conferences that exceed $20,000.


Essentially the VAWA will provide so many more individuals with provisions and protections as well as helping improve awareness efforts. So if you want to help out and learn about violence against women and see how it is an issue for our whole world these are two ways but I know if you’re dedicated you can find more.

Have a good Saturday everyone!




References from today’s post – VAWA definition – explanation of The Vagina Monologues

Rock The Vote!

Hey Everyone,

So as we all know tomorrow is NATIONAL ELECTION DAY! Now most people I hear from have mixed emotions on the day ranging from “OMG I can’t wait!” to “I can’t wait till it’s finally over”

What I’m going to write about today isn’t going to tell you who to vote for because that is not going to help anyone. Every person has their opinion to who they think should be in charge of our country and I’m not going to dispute that. However, I am going to tell you to vote regardless because IT IS IMPORTANT!!

Yesterday I walked down the Hoco stairs and heard a girl say,

“Well it’s not like my vote matters so whatever!”

Whatever?!? Doesn’t Matter?!?

If everyone in our generation thought this and didn’t vote then Yes she’d right, it wouldn’t matter because we’d never be heard. This election is one that is going to heavily impact our generation: our job opportunities, our rights, our future!
This election has caused a lot of controversy over what issues people deem important social or economic. My personal opinion is that while our economy is important and the recession we experienced is very real, social issues are what will drive us either forward or backward. And yes, this is a personal opinion because I know for my current job and for my career future social issues are going to be a deal breaker. Others are free to think otherwise. However, today I’m writing this post so we all can think about our futures because the next president is one that will impact them greatly.

I’m not suggesting for us all to forget the deficit and ignore the hardships others have endured because of the economy. I only suggest that when you vote you consider other opinions as well.

What you want to do when you are out of college?

How you want the country, the world to look?

Look to the future not the numbers being thrown at you from all sides because both sides are reciting them with inaccuracies. Think about personal freedoms that you believe in. Take the time to research which candidate embodies your beliefs of how you feel women, men, the poor, the rich, LBGTQ+ should be treated. These are the people who are in our country, these are the people who will be voting alongside you to try and create a better country.

This election shouldn’t be about the numbers you heard on the radio because as I said previously both sides are reporting ones that are not exactly true. It takes a lot of research to truly figure out where each candidate is coming from in terms of their spending. I know some of you won’t agree on this but I place the value of human life over any dollar amount. I realize that is because of my studies and my background. For others who better understand the economy and business issues I can understand the drive to focus on these amounts and don’t chastise them for doing so. I just want us all to remember that beneath the numbers are people. People who struggle, who thrive, who suffer and who excel. When you go to vote tomorrow remember that as well, we are a country that was founded on the idea of independence and the institution of personal freedoms, don’t forget that those are just as important as money.

So please go out and vote, not because of the commercials, debates, signs and chalkings. Go out and vote because you need to have your voice be heard. Don’t sit around and think that this doesn’t matter because the next president will be the one who is deciding not just your future but the country’s.


images obtained from google image search