Don’t Freak Dance to Your Own Beat: Dealing with the Stress of Finals Week



Hey Everyone!

So I know this week everyone is having that reality check that the semester is over and Finals are approaching. I know personally I have a bunch of final papers rather than finals but they are still working me to the bone. It is because of this that we all have to really put our self-care into overdrive because these next two weeks are the most draining of the whole semester. You have to worry about finals, you have to worry about Spring Tuition, you have to worry about Packing, Plans for Break,Christmas Shopping, New Years and on and on and on. (Hopefully I didn’t just stress you out even more with that list). But the reason I like to think of myself as calm during this critical point of the year is simply because of my positive attitude. Those who know me, like to think I am the BIGGEST procrastinator. I try and work on things early but I end up watching TV or sleeping instead. Now, I’m not advocating for procrastination this week, but I will advocate for you to work on things in your own time. One of the reasons I procrastinate is not a lack of understanding of the assignment but of a focus on relaxing. I’m tired most of the time and allow myself time to relax. How I deal with this need for relaxation during finals week is that I mentally tell myself that “What is due will get done when it should.” Most of you right now are probably thinking that is a stupid mantra when you have 14+ page papers to write. However, all I can tell you is it has worked for me every time. The key to this thinking is making sure you do understand your assignments ahead of time. Then mentally taking the time to think about what you have to get done, how much by what time and then in your head makeup a set of rules or a schedule.

Ex. If I have a paper due Friday I haven’t started I think on Sunday what else I have to do, realistically how long it will take me and if it would be easier to work on different parts different days. Which will lead me to looking over it on Monday and do a rough write for a section to see how hard it is, Then on Tuesday I plan which section I can do on Wednesday, Wednesday doing part of the writing until finally settling down to finish on Thursday.

If you think of your papers in that kind of system your stress levels go down. Now this can work with someone if they want to get something done early as well. Give yourself deadlines, really take the time to think about your assignment and know that unless you are completely at a loss and choose not to talk to your professor that you probably know what you’re doing. Stressing out over things does not make them easier to do or make the time go by faster. If you take a logical thought process and apply it to your goals not only will you feel less stressed but more organized even if you havent written a word. I spend my time relaxing yes, but I also spend that time organizing my thoughts so that when I do go to write I know what I mean and don’t have to dwell on multiple word choices or get confused by a topic i have to cover.

Essentially what I want you all to do is take a breather, don’t shut yourself into a freak out zone. Find the system that works best for you because stress will make it worse on yourself because your body does not take it well. So my suggestion if you can handle it is to take a 10 minute breather at some point today and think to yourself, “The paper will be written by/ the exam will be over in ____ (fill in number of hours and days) and then it’s done. Plan for your end point rather than worrying about your start or else you never will start. Try out different methods for your studying or paper writing to see what works best for you because I know we all have felt that panic of cramming in study time or crying over a paper we didn’t think would be done. If you have made it this far you know by now that things will get finished and if you don’t want to finish then enjoy whatever that incomplete brings you. Regardless of that, take some time for yourself! This is just a simple suggestion but one that has done wonders for me. And remember that despite how stressed we are, we all have something to be really happy about WINTER BREAK!!!
So there’s my little secret. Now get thinking, because it’s time for me to go write a paper.

Have a great week everyone!!




About kickinitwithkenna

SHARPP Blogger UNH Student

Posted on December 5, 2012, in Dating and Relationships. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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